Horse Printing Estimate Calculator


Size limits (Maximum dimension in any direction):

Small - 50mm (~2 inches)

Medium - 80mm (~3 inches)

Large - 130mm (~5 inches)

X-Large - 180mm (~7 inches)

Macro - 256mm (~10 inches)

Printing Process

DLP is known for high resolution, smooth prints. They're dense and feel premium, but they require more post processing to make them look good and last. FDM prints are your typical 3D print with layer lines and bright plastic colors. Usually they are printed with low infill, making them very light, and can be somewhat fragile. FDM Multi-Color is the same as FDM, but adds the ability to print multiple colors into the same print. They take much longer due to filament changes during printing, and are usually printed with high infill to combat excessive plastic waste from purging, making them heavier, and stronger.


Select all that apply


Clothing, jewlery, any piece that isn't part of the pony.

If the original model files are innaccessible, reproductions will need to be made. Select this button if any repros are needed.


Sanded prints are smoother to the touch, but sanding is a very manual process, adding time and cost to your print. Acetone smoothing is only available for ABS FDM/Multi-Color prints. It is a chemical process that smooths the print by exposing it to acetone vapors which slightly melt the surface of the ABS to make it smoother. Painting can hide layer lines and make prints smooth, and add color to prints that otherwise don't have it.

This site is under development and estimated prices are not final. All estimates are subject to change based on unforseen complexity of a particular custom print. These are ballpark prices, and do not include shipping.